36,000 feet above Utah it hit me. What a wonderful experience I had just been
fortunate to be part of and now it was all over. I was reminded of my niece who
years ago proclaimed after ripping through all her Christmas gifts, “Oh no, it’s all
over!” Triathlon camp was that good. Months spent waiting and now it was over.
It began in the summer when my coach Jaime showed me information on the
triathlon camp he created and ran in Tucson. I was intrigued and immediately
started to figure out how I could take time off and attend camp. By the fall I had
put my deposit down. I was going to attend my first training camp.
The original idea was for he and I to fly to Tucson and ship our bikes and some
equipment down with another teammate that was going to drive down to Tucson.
Jaime would leave on Saturday, rent a car, and I would follow on Sunday.
The week before camp there were indications that a major winter storm might be
heading our way. The Tuesday night before we were set to leave I went for a run
in the snow. It was magical and invigorating but it was only the beginning of what
would be an epic winter storm. On Wednesday it was clear and the temperature
had dropped severely – freezing the ground and cooling the road surfaces. This
cold weather bled into Thursday. By Thursday evening things had begun to
warm up a bit but with it came the snow. I woke Friday morning to about 2
inches of snow – nothing major by Bend standards. Throughout the day it
continued to snow and get deeper and deeper. That afternoon I drove home in
4-wheel drive. I talked briefly with Jaime and he expressed concern about his
flight being cancelled. It would be a long evening of wait and see and through it
all, the snow continued to fall and pile up all around us.
Early Saturday morning at about 5 am Jaime texted me from the airport to tell me
his flight had been cancelled. He noted that he was trying to get out on a later
flight. An hour later I got a text telling me my ski lesson that I was supposed to
instruct up on Mount Bachelor was cancelled because my student could not
make it in from Eugene. Throughout the morning Jaime and I texted back and
forth about what was developing and throughout that time the snow continued to
rapidly fall in large and heavy flakes.
By all accounts it was one of the biggest snowstorms in the history of Bend. I
passed the time shoveling the snow out of the driveway – upwards of two feet or
more of the white stuff. By 11 a.m. the airport was completely shut down. Jaime
was going to catch a ride with Wendy – the person who was going to originally
drive to Tucson. She was going to be joined by her roommate Justin, who was
supposed to be in Portland, but had remained in Bend due to the weather. I
cancelled my reservation – it would later be cancelled hours later – in order to
join all of them in driving down to Tucson.
I packed everything up and headed out into the snow. I figured I would start
walking and meet them out on the major road that ran by our neighborhood
because I was concerned that Wendy’s car might get stuck if she attempted to
drive onto the unplowed streets that surrounded my house. About 30 minutes
down the road here they came – a Subaru with 4 bikes on the back. The road
trip to Tucson had begun!
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