If I had all the time in the world I’d begin each day with a yoga session. I’ll be up
front. I am the most ungraceful yoga practitioner known to man. However I do
find that it is beneficial and wish I could do it more often.
Our first full day in Tucson began with a yoga session. It would be an excellent
beginning to what would be a most excellent day. Tiziana DeHorney led our
morning yoga session. Tizzy is an old and mature soul in a teenager’s body, and
is one of Jaime’s elite athletes. Along with being a champion junior cyclocross
rider she was also an excellent yoga instructor. The body work from the previous
night manifested itself in open hips and a more relaxed body. A pleasant yoga
session transitioned into time in the pool with Janna. The morning pool session
felt so much better than the previous evening’s attempt. I worked on relaxing
while I swam and concentrated on my breathing with each lap. It was fun to be
able to enjoy the benefit of an outdoor pool. There is just something nice about
swimming out in the sun.
After yoga and swimming there was some time to get things organized for our
“Little Squeeze of Lemmon” as Jaime likes to call the ride up Mount Lemmon. As
I related in an earlier blog, this was somewhat of a defining moment for me and I
was looking forward to the ride. Before we headed out my buddy, and roommate
for the camp, Justin hauled out a bottle of whiskey and we drank a toast to a
good ride ahead. We loaded up our bikes and made the drive over to the area
where we’d begin our ride. After the obligatory pit stop at Mickey D’s it was time
to clip in and head out.
Our big group ride started at the outskirts of Tucson
and would wind up the road to Mount Lemmon. Overall, this would be a
distance of approximately 27 miles and rise over 6000 feet in
elevation. The plan was to ride until a certain time and then head back
down to town. I decided to head out with the first pack because my
thought was that the rest of the group would eventually overtake me. I
initially rode out with about eight individuals. With the draft that occurred
from the other riders the early part of the ride was easy. After a certain
amount of time I signaled that I would head to the front so others could
draft behind me. I rode up next to Lawrence Herrera, one of coaches who
provided running and weight training instruction. We started talking and
fell into an easy cadence together. After about 15 minutes we realized that
we had left the rest of our group behind. As we began the climb up the
mountain we talked and conversed with ease. After about three miles
Lawrence told me that he wanted to work on some intervals and I
encouraged him to go on ahead. I figured that I’d soon be joined by some
of the quicker riders. Miles passed and the climb grew steeper. I kept
Lawrence in my sights and we played our own version of cat and mouse
as we climbed ever higher. I pressed further still, stopping briefly at Windy
Point. Jaime came up with another rider and we briefly chatted before I
continued up the mountain. A mile further I came upon Lawrence who had
stopped at another overlook. He told me he was going to head
down. Jaime and his rider came up and I rode with them for a while. I told
Jaime I thought the rest of the group would have caught up to us and he
replied, “no one’s going to catch you man”. We rode together a bit before I
decided to push a bit further ahead and left Jaime with his rider. At the
appointed time I turned around. I’d made it 18 miles, further than any of
the other riders save for a small group of elite athletes that took off early. I
headed down and stopped briefly at Windy Point. My buddy Justin was
there along with Wendy, Jaime, and Tizzy. Justin was heading out to
basic training with the Air Force in less than a month so I arranged for a
lady to take our picture together. We threw on windbreakers and then
zoomed down the mountain. Coming down is always a fun break after the
hard work of chugging up the mountain. We rolled back into the parking
lot, racked the bikes, and headed back to the Lodge. On the way back
Jaime and I stopped and he introduced me to Frost Gelato. It was a great
place to enjoy something cold, tasty, and sweet, after a hard ride.
Once I had showered back at the lodge it was time to enjoy a bit of
relaxation time before supper. Justin broke out the whiskey bottle, I
grabbed some ice and some glasses, and we sat on the balcony. We
enjoyed the desert scenery and discussed the events of the day.
Refreshed, it was time to pile into the car and head out to Tri-Sports for
dinner. Tri-Sports was kind enough to provide sag support during our ride
up Lemmon and also provided a place to enjoy dinner as well as time to
shop their store with a sweet group discount. We enjoyed a wonderful
pasta dinner made by Irena Ossola, one of Jaime’s former athletes, as well
home brewed beer and cider by our trip savior Wendy. While we ate we
were treated to a presentation by a rep from Zipp tires. It was nice to be
able to socialize in a relaxed atmosphere and have time to shop. I was
able to test some Newton race shoes I’d had my eye on. They also had
the new model so I was able to compare the two. A couple of the elite
athletes provided tips on how to best prepare the shoes for race day.
Purchases made and bellies full, it was time to head back to the lodge to
rest and get ready for another day of camp.
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